garden maintenance

The 10 tips for garden maintenance in autumn


At the end of summer, it’s time for fall, with colder temperatures and fallen leaves. However, now is not the time to let go; the maintenance of the garden at this precise moment is crucial. We give you all our best advice on what tools to use, how to prune shrubs, but also what you can do in your garden in the fall!

1. Prepare your tools

Before starting, you must prepare the appropriate equipment to maintain your garden: the pruning shears , an essential tool that allows you to cut the leaves and roots of plants, the wheelbarrow that allows you to transport heavy loads, the shovel , the rake , the watering can and mower, if you have a lawn. In addition, if your garden is large, you can opt for a blower , which will make your job easier. You could very well rent one for the few fall uses. Remember to bring a pair of gloves to avoid the slightest risk.

2. Clean up your garden and collect the leaves

With the arrival of autumn , you have already noticed that your garden does not look as pleasant as it did during the summer. To remedy this, it is important to collect the dead leaves that may have accumulated there over the past two months and collect them in plastic bags. Remember to repeat this step regularly, especially if the wind tends to settle in your area. Don’t forget to also remove weeds that have already started to take root in your garden. Why is this important? Already, the dead leaves retain moisture and suffocate the grass. The quality of it may be altered and you will no longer benefit from a soft and beautiful lawn in summer.

It is also an opportunity to clean all your decorative elements, such as pebbles near paths or small garden gnomes.

3. Prune your shrubs

In the maintenance of your garden in autumn, the step of pruning shrubs is essential. However, before taking action, be sure to disinfect your cutting tools. Chainsaw, saw, secateurs etc. Remember to clean the handles first with black soap , then disinfect the blades with methylated spirits. Why do you have to be thorough? It would be a shame to infect your shrubs or transmit a disease to them. With methylated spirits, you will eliminate fungi, bacteria or viruses that could stagnate on your tools.

A moderate size so as not to damage anything

The next step is to prune your trees: remove bad shoots and fragile overlapping branches. Remember to prune in moderation because the goal is not to damage your shrubs. You have to cut as little as possible so that the winter frost does not damage your plants too much. However, it must still be removed. Why take care of your shrubs? In addition to benefiting from green and flowering plants, some of these plants allow you to protect your home against burglaries . This is called defensive hedges!

Which shrubs can I prune?

You can very easily prune shrubs with deciduous foliage, ie those which lose their leaves according to the seasons. Also, this is an opportunity to cut some climbing plants that have become troublesome such as honeysuckle or ivy. If these can give character to a home, they quickly become very invasive on sunny days. Take advantage of the fall to reduce their quantity so that they do not overflow during the summer.

Remember to also prune your fruit trees, such as apple or pear. By lightening them of certain branches, they will have more vitality and the energy of the tree will be able to concentrate on the development of its fruits. Cut damaged and dead branches first.

4. Prepare your soil for the summer vegetable garden

In the maintenance of your garden in autumn, it is important to already think about the preparation of your soil that will accommodate your crops. The goal is to have a rich and very fertile soil so that your plantations give the desired result. Indeed, the winter period and its frost can impoverish the soil. Also, all the energy offered by the micro-organism during the summer season fades at this time. It is therefore recommended to counter this by taking care of your garden from the fall, to take advantage of a truly enriched soil in the spring.

Note, however, that this preparation must be done gently, that is to say that care must be taken not to attack the micro-organism, the life below the surface, as well as the roots of nearby shrubs or trees. All these latter elements are indeed essential for a healthy vegetable garden. Be careful to be gentle with your soil and only use a light rake or claw stroke, even if you find that the soil is compact or tightly packed.

Also, remember to prepare your soil by feeding it with quality compost. Spread a thick layer of compost that you have prepared throughout the year. This will not only insulate from the cold, but also feed the fauna, such as earthworms, which will help you when cultivating your vegetable garden. You don’t have to turn your soil over to get the compost in. Just leave it on the surface.

5. Now is the time to move your plants!

Do you want to change the configuration of your garden? So take advantage of the fall season to accomplish this task. You can transplant or transplant your plants without difficulty. Moist soil, but not too cold, will make it easier for you. Also, the plants can take advantage of a long enough time to take their new marks and develop their roots.

6. Protect your fragile plants and soil

The winter waves will soon arrive and the great cold too. To optimize the maintenance of your garden in autumn, you will have to maintain the good health of your soil and your plants, it will be necessary to carry out certain manipulations.

Already, you can help yourself with a mulch. This plant protection is to be spread on the ground. It will make it possible to fight against any aggressions that a soil may undergo during winter, but also to keep the heat acquired during sunny days, to promote the development of the micro-organism.

In addition, remember to protect your potted plants or trees. If you have the possibility, shelter these shrubs in a veranda preferably, or in a garden shed. For the others, get yourself a curtain that will allow you to cover the foliage.

7. Start your compost

Have you never made compost before? It may finally be the opportunity to get started! Think about a suitable place to create your compost, in a small nook for example, and put your organic waste there every day. The purpose of this is to nourish your soil with an organic mixture created from plant elements (vegetables, leaves, flowers etc.). The maturation of this mixture will promote the development of good insects, useful in the fight against predators.

Very useful and inexpensive, the creation of a compost will also allow you to lighten your daily bins. However, the decomposition process is quite long; So start collecting your waste for use next fall!

8. Plant trees

Fall is the best time to plant trees, as the saying goes: “At Sainte-Catherine, everything takes root”. And if you want to take full advantage of it, opt for fruit trees and shrubs: cherry, peach and apricot. Remember to distance them well to anticipate the shoot. After a few months of maintenance and watering, you will be able to appreciate and taste the fruits of your labor. And if you have kids, don’t hesitate to pique their curiosity and get them involved. This is an excellent way to introduce them to a practice that is both ecological and fun, while making them eat more plants.

9. Take the plunge and get into permaculture

Arriving in the fall is also an opportunity to ask questions and reflect on your way of cultivating. And why not get into permaculture? This technique of cultivation “in lasagna”, that is to say in layers, has the advantage of giving new life to a very poor soil. If you are in this situation, then permaculture could be for you!

The objective of this technique is to bring together various actors (insects, flowers, vegetables, etc.) to create a diversity that is as natural as possible for the cultivation of a vegetable garden. The principle is therefore based on the non intervention of man, except for watering, harvesting and laying of elements. The development of species must ensure that aggressions are countered in a natural way.

10. Free Dom takes care of the maintenance of your garden in the fall!

If you now have all the necessary reasons to take care of your garden in autumn, know that our gardeners can also take care of the routine maintenance of your outdoor spaces. Why is this important? It is better to take care of the spaces, to avoid unpleasant surprises, such as the hatching of mosquito eggs , which could disturb you during the summer. They come to your home with their own equipment and are also available to advise you on the maintenance of your garden throughout the year. They can also prepare you natural insecticides that will help control insects.

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