Furnace Goes Out

4 Things to Do If Your Furnace Goes Out This Winter


It happens almost every year to homeowners: a furnace breakdown right in the middle of winter. Furnaces are some of the most complicated and expensive pieces of equipment found in a home, and they tend to break down at the worst possible time–just as temperatures are dropping to record lows and homeowners are funneling extra money into replacing expensive furnaces. To stay warm and safe, here are 4 things you should do if your furnace goes out this winter season.

Check the thermostat

The first step you should take when your furnace suddenly shuts down in the middle of winter is to check your thermostat. This step will determine whether the furnace is shutting down due to the thermostat’s programming or due to a furnace malfunction.

Make sure your heater is turned on

You should check the power source if your furnace starts acting funny or if it just shuts down completely. Find out why the power has been turned off to the furnace and turn it back on. If a furnace shuts down, there may be a power outage or the switch may need to be reset.

Use alternative heat sources

When the furnace stops working, you have to find another heat source fast or else your home will turn really cold. There are alternatives to turning on an electric or gas heater that may be safer, such as using a fireplace if you have one or even holding a pot of hot water near your body to keep warm.

Call for a 24/7 heating repair service

In the middle of a cold winter, nothing is quite as urgent or inconvenient as a broken furnace. Whether it’s freezing cold or below freezing outside, you don’t want to spend another night with the heater off. That’s where your local trusted furnace repair company comes in.

Professional heating services offer 24/7 emergency repairs on all furnace makes and models, so you can get the warmth and comfort you need no matter when your system fails. Call the pros today!

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