Move to a New Home With a Cat

Safe Ship Moving Services Talks About How to Move to a New Home With a Cat


Moving to a new home can be very stressful for both people and their furry friends. People can ease a lot of their stress by hiring companies like Safe Ship Moving Services. However, cats are quite likely to get anxious in the moving process. For them, a home is their territory. Therefore, moving disrupts their sense of security and routine. Even though some cats adjust well to a new environment, many others can have difficulty coping with all the changes that come with moving. Hence, pet parents need to take certain steps to ease the transition for their kitty.

Safe Ship Moving Services discusses how to move to a new home with a cat

First of all, in case a cat is not used to a travel carrier, it is important to get them used to a carrier before the moving day. A travel carrier should be set out several weeks prior to the move. One must let the cat get used to its presence and smell. The carrier can be made more appealing by filling it with cushy towels, cat toys, and a few treats. In case the cat still refuses to get inside, pet parents may put their cat’s food bowl inside it.  The goal of the process is to make the cat think as if the carrier is their personal getaway and not a prison. It is important to lock the cat in the carrier at the start. They should be given the freedom to get inside and out as many times as they please. If one is moving with multiple cats, they can get a large cat carrier that can host multiple kitties at once. This, however, should be avoided if each cat prefers their own space, then one has to settle for separate carriers.

Once the moving process begins, the very last thing one would want is for the cat to run out of the door as the furniture and boxes are loaded up by the movers. Hence, the experts from Safe Ship Moving Services mention that it would be a good idea to set up a temporary safe space for the cat in a bedroom or bathroom. Their litter box, food and water bowls can also be placed there, along with the cat carrier. The door of the space should be kept closed, with a note to warn movers to not open it.

If one is opting for a road trip, it is better to avoid feeding the cat a large meal before heading out. A light breakfast is sufficient to keep their stomach settled until you stop for the night. Pet parents must make sure to secure the cat carrier with a seat belt to prevent it from shifting during sudden stops or turns. For trips under six hours, most cats can go without a litter box. However, if the travel is for a longer duration, it would be smart to bring a disposable litter box that can be used either in the car or at the hotel.

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