your Dream House

10 Steps to be Followed Before Constructing your Dream House


Do you have a dream of living in your dream home one day? What does this place of your dreams, your Ashiyana, look like? What color are the walls?

All of us have a vision of our picture-perfect home. That dream manifests into reality when you work with a dedicated team—a group of skilled experts at constructing a house, your dream house in particular.

Seeing your dream become a reality and take form fills you with the hope of a colorful future. Even though you are not creating it yourself, it still requires a lot of planning and effort. One way to ensure a smooth sailing path is to have a sound plan in your mind and then work with an experienced and honest constructor.

But building your dream house can be a challenging task. Take this as your ultimate help book to help you navigate through all your construction issues.

How to construct a house- From just a dream to reality

Step 1: Have your construction budget sorted

First things first, have a look at your financial options and then plan the construction. Learn what the cost is to Construct a House and then plan accordingly. It is always safe to plan early and then keep adding things as you go.

Have a clear estimate of the construction budget required from the idea’s inception to the complete construction of your dream home. Collect all your financial options,

Your financial support may come from your funds, such as savings and provident funds, bank loans, or loans from friends. However, remember that building supplies, such as cement, lose strength if kept for longer than six months. For this reason, you should secure funding before the project begins. Think carefully about all your financial choices before starting construction on a new home.

Step 2: The key is to be flexible and patient

When you have been harboring the image of your dream home, it is natural to feel attached to that image. However, it is essential to understand that you will face your share of hiccups and sometimes delays.

The key is to have an open line of conversation with your construction team and be flexible with your approach. Frustrations will arise; it is up to you to stay calm and have your eyes on the end goal.

Step 3: Location plays an important role

The geographical location plays a vital role in learning the Steps to Construct a House. Do your homework before zeroing in on a location. An ideal location will be close to your work, so you do not waste time traveling, close to hospitals, markets, and educational institutions.

Be mindful of your personal preferences as well. Do you wish to live in a house that is Vastu approved? Go through all these questions and then come to a decision.

Step 4: Consulting with an Architecture

Once you know where you want your home and what your dream home looks like, it is time to meet with a reputed architect. We call this the ‘fun’ part of the Things Required to Construct a House.

When you have a basic idea, you can sit with the design and architecture team to further explain your vision. The world is your oyster in this area. Take inspiration from Instagram, Pinterest, your neighbourhood, or your travel places. After taking your input, they will then create a blueprint.

Step 5: Set a timeline

Having a set timeline ahead of you will not only keep you active but also motivate the construction team to deliver their best. It will also aid the supervisor in keeping everyone aligned with the project.

Your timeframe will determine how quickly you sell and move out of your present house when you relocate to your new residence, and when your interior decorator can start working on your space and other associated timescales.

Step 6: Invest in the right material

A house built on a solid foundation will never crumble in unfavorable circumstances. Make sure you invest in the best building materials.

Finding top-notch building materials takes time and is complex. Before you purchase the building supplies, seek advice from a professional. Buying the proper building materials may significantly reduce the cost of constructing a house.

Step 7: Get permissions and documents signed

Several permissions must be taken, and documents must be signed by concerned authorities. It is a rigorous and time-consuming process. But it should be done within the said timeline.

Obtain the appropriate authorisations and gather the relevant paperwork

Make sure to have formal, signed contracts from every building contractor engaged in the construction of your home.

Step 8: Staying involved in the entire process

The most effective step in learning How to Construct a House is to stay involved from the beginning to the end. Build a rapport with your construction team, visit the site regularly, and stay updated with the progress. Keep a record of the budget and additional expenditures; this way, you will not be caught off guard. But most importantly, ask how your construction team is doing and if they are facing any issues while working on building your dream home.

Step 9: Have a resale value in mind

Change is the only constant. While at one stage, you feel this is the home of your dreams, and you plan to stay there forever, as the times and circumstances change, you may feel you need an upgrade and want to sell the property in the future.

This is why it is essential to consider the property’s resale value before you start the construction of your house.

Step 10: Time to move in

After all the excruciating hard work and time invested, you finally see the fruit of your labor. It is time to move into your dream home. It is time to finally put your feet up and soak this moment in.

In conclusion

These were the Steps to constructing a house.Building a home from scratch is not easy, but it is worth it in the end. Having a reliable team to support you every step of the way is a blessing. They act as your support system in trying times.

If you need any help in building your dream home, you can check out . They have an extensive home design library, access to service providers like architects, contractors, masons, fabricators, material estimators and online purchase facilities for all building materials.

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